Welcome to the Drummond Company
Vendor Self-Service Inquiry System
To enter the page you will need the SETID, Vendor Id, and the Password that have been assigned by Drummond Company Accounts Payable.
This page will give you updated information related to your invoices. There are three types of inquiries in this page:
1) PROBLEM INVOICES - This option allows determining if Drummond has received your invoice or if it has been returned because of some problem.
2) SCHEDULE INVOICES FOR PAYMENT - This option allows knowing the Due schedule payment date of the invoices and the status in the system.
3) PAID INVOICES - This option allows reviewing the invoices that have been paid and the payment reference.
If you receive ACH Payments, you can receive your ACH advice by email. To sign up just send an email to csmith@drummondco.com, subject line "EFT Advice". Please list your (1.) Vendor Name (2.) Vendor Number (3.) email address to send the ACH advice to.
If you do not see your invoice listed and it is over 15 days pass the invoice dated, then send the invoice and contact info. to apinvoices@drummondco.com. Please allow two to three business day for a response. Invoices can also be fax to 205-944-7580.
IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THE INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: Phyllisia Gaines (205) 945-4268 or via e-mail pgaines@drummondco.com